Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Just like clock work a few salmon have arrived on the Miramichi

  Just like clock work a few salmon have arrived on the Miramichi. And still many fisherman are on the look out for more shiny chrome salmon to arrive and get their reels screeching for the Summer Bright's which we call it here on the Miramichi, of the 2012 season.

There have been a few reports over the last week of fish being landed in some tributaries of the Miramichi River. Most salmon seem to be on the North West Miramichi area of the river, which is not uncommon for earlier runs this time of the year to appear. There have been also reports of a few salmon hooked on the Little South West Miramichi River aswell. The Main South West Miramichi River has also had some salmon reports from Quarryville, Mouth of Renous River, Upper Blackville, Doaktown and all the way to Boistown area.

Sea Run Trout seemed to have gone through the lower stretches of the Miramichi as reports have trout up on the Upper Stretches of the Cains River and on the Upper Stretches of the North West Miramichi River. Last weekend for a couple days there were trout on the move as fishermen were getting them on the lower stretch of the SW Miramichi. I have heard that trout from 2 to 5 lb range have been hooked and released on the lower to the middle section of the Cains River the past week. Lets hope there is still some hanging around or more yet to come in.

I talked to a guy from Grand Manan that caught a 10lb salmon on Friday on the upper stretch of the North West Miramichi. There was also a report of a local angler landing a salmon at the Bridge Pool in Upper Blackville on a green butt moose hair pattern.

I fished with my brother Ryan and son Zachary on Sunday morning for awhile on the NW Miramichi but never saw anything. I fished Sunday evening on the Main SW Miramichi and rolled a salmon 5 times before he touched the fly and that was the end of the fun. I also landed a stripe bass about 4 lbs at the mouth of Cains River the same evening and must off saw 10 more bass splash the water around the same time. If it had been later in the evening I would of just thought they were Shad splashing. Speaking of Shad there are starting to be a few Shad in the river now and should be more and more over the next week. Local Guide Vaughan Arbeau of Upper Blackville once told me the Shad are most plentiful buy June 10th most years and he is usually right on the money each year as I always remember. I also remember he ties a pretty good Shad Fly too.

Chris Edmonds of CE Salmon Flies & Guiding had some luck rolling a few fish on the North West and Sevogle but nothing landed for salmon or grilse yet. He has been hooking a few trout in the 10 to 14 inch range. Flies of choice for Chris is Echo Beach and WT Green Machines.

In Doaktown at the Ledges Inn Head Guide Derek Munn said fishing was still slow for the most part. He rolled one and then struck him 3 cast later which he thought by the look of the take was a salmon. He also saw some Shad in the Doaktown area this week. Great news for the Shad fishermen in the area.

River temperatures have cooled down to 54 to 55 degrees ( F) on Tuesday evening and with lots of rain in the forecast for the Miramichi River System we should have great conditions in the coming week. The high tide for this week with a full moon on the 4th is High tide -1.71m at 6:17 am and on the 5th High tide-1.74m at 7:10 am. Lets hope some fish will make there way in with these tides this week.

 As of Tuesday the lower section of the Main Miramichi was still high and could use a bit of a drop in water to improve conditions. The upper stretches in the Doaktown to Boistown area was in very good condition as is. The North West Miramichi was low and could use a bit of a raise to improve the fishing. Cain's River was in good condition and salmon and trout could possible be in the river early again this June like last season on the lower stretch of the river. Sevolge River was very low and could use a raise to improve the fishing. Renous River was in pretty good condition as is.

Also don't forget to check with your local fly shops and guides in the area if your planning on fishing and want some fish gossip, as they know what's going on in their area of the river and can point you in the right direction to fishing and of course some new gear in the shop which we all like. Places to check out are WW Doaks in Doaktown, Curtis Miramichi River Outfitters in Blackville, Herb's Fly Shop in Blackville, Georges Fly Shop in Renous, Miramichi City Surplus in Miramichi on route 108 Derby Junction, Trout Brook Fly Shop in Trout Brook on the North West Miramichi. And on your way from Fredericton stop in at Fredericton Outfitters and Anglers. If I forgot your shop just give me a shout and I will gladly add it for you with my reports each week.

Until next week keep your lines tight and reels screeching on the Miramichi River.

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