Conditions on the Miramichi went from warm and low water conditions to very high and muddy conditions.
As the heavy rain subsided the river raised and raised! Trees, benches and even a few boats were on the free flow in the murky water.
The last couple days before the rise saw the river (SW) have great reports of hook ups. Many fishermen were saying that fresh fish were being landed with sea lice.
Miramichi Salmon Association and Atlantic Salmon Federation both had good comments that good returns are in the rivers.
The river started dropping Saturday evening and a few fish were already reported being landed in the Doaktown area.
Flies for a few were GP'S size #2, yes a fall pattern some would say? But, fish them they will work is what I say!
Well got to get back to reading some more Salmon Country. A Great book if you don't have it by author Doug Underhill. Find his site on my link section and get his amazing book.
Until next time keep your reels screaming on the river!
Rodney Colford