In the upper Miramichi River area Keith Wilson of Wilson Sporting Camps said the water is low as summer and if it was June it would be perfect conditions. With a few warm days and all the snow in the woods we should see normal conditions later.
Derrick Munn of the Ledges Inn in Doaktown sad the ice is slowly rotting away with a few open spots here and there. He said we also need some rain and some warmer weather to get things moving on the river.
The river levels are very low and without some rain and milder temperatures boating does not look very good for the river on opening day. Temperatures do look promising on the weekend with highs of 12 C on Saturday which will raise the river some. And without some rain or snow melting in the woods the smaller rivers like the Cains, Renous, Little SW Miramichi and the Upper Stretches of the Main SW and NW Miramichi will be very hard going for boaters.
Also fisherman that are wading safety is always an issue in the spring as ice jams does change the bottom of the river from year to year. So please be careful out there when you have that 40 plus inch salmon on. It would be a good idea to check with your local fly shops in the areas for good places for wading to fish spring salmon, as most places
do not mind you fishing in the spring. Fly Shops to call is W.W.Doak & Sons Doaktown, Curtis Fly Shop Blackville, Herbs Fly Shop Blackville, Georges Fly Shop Renous, Trout Brook Fly Shop on the NW. They all have a very good supply of spring fishing gear and can tell you (or sell you) what is the best to use in the low or high water conditions.
I will look forward to hearing from you with all your catches on the river. Pictures would be good too of the big ones. Please practice proper releasing methods so not to hurt the fish when taking them out of the water for your photo. Also remember to pinch your barbs and singles hooks only. And until next week and from the Banks of the Miramichi River this is Rodney Colford.